My junior phase!

1 min readAug 12, 2021

During my junior phase in RBK there are a lot of moment that changed my outlook for everything.

There are two things marked my junior phase . The first, thing that there’s a person in our cohort a have maded a lot a problem with every person and that’s made the atmosphere of the cohort very bad. This problem has
negatively affected the rythm of our studying.

The second thing that marked this phase that i didn’t succed in the assessment from the begining and i repeated with two cohort and it’s a very diffucult sensation because i didn’t failed when i’m studying before rbk. This problem made me in a very bad mood with a lot of stress .

So, from this problem that marked my junior phase i learned a lot of things that changed my outlook for a lot of things in my life like to be patient, more concentrate in my goals and don’t take any things be an obstacle to achieve my goals.

