How to overcome the difficulties?

1 min readMar 1, 2021

In our live you cannot always live in a cool situation ,we are all lived to be in difficult situation that we can faced a lot but everyone has his maner to overcome this.

Everyone has his own capacity to overcome difficult situation.For i overcome a lot of bad situation in my life and i tried to be positive and cool. I always trust in my competences and in god to overcome this situation.

I ‘m gonna tell you an example ,i study a thing that i loved and made a lot of effort in this. This year that i studyed in i’m the major of my class and i loved that i made a lot.But after 5 years of studying and i’m very happy that i finished and i want to a jod and pratice all that i learned and i didn’t find the jod that i dreamed a lot of it. I tried to be positive and i searched a lot and i worked many other thing not related to my dream.

For me i want to live peace and any thing that i leraned or worked in can have a benefites in my life and i try again and again. Everyone should not give up and try to do all his best to achieve his goals even when his not related to his dream.

